DACC SoCal hosts Virtual Summer Event with Henrik Fisker

The event held via Zoom started with Lompoc based Vintner, Peter Work of AMPELOS Vineyards introducing their 2019 Viognier, which conveniently had been shipped ahead to each participant. The 20-some guests enjoyed a powerful juicy, lively wine with a hint peach and apricot perfect for the hot summer afternoon in Southern California. Several guests also participated from Denmark where the clock rang 1:00am at the start of the event. After individual introductions with small anecdotes from the Covid-19 quarantine, DACC Vice President, Søren Eilertsen, introduced Henrik Fisker. Fisker elaborated on his life and exciting career in the automobile industry including some difficult times and of his latest success with large funding for the Fisker Ocean SUV expected to hit the road in 2022. Fisker was insightful about his vision in car design, his revelation of the future automobiles and both the threats and opportunities laying ahead for the car industry at large. “Fisker’s story is inspiring, uplifting and impressive. It was a true treat to spend the afternoon with Henrik in such an intimate setting.” said DACC president Michael Rasmussen.